The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mandatory Blogger- Morning Hype, Sushi and Tri-Tips

Another edition of M.B. Take it in, then go get yerself a sandwich.
I personally hate the word "selfie", because apparently Kim Kardashian is being given credit for making the word up. Bummer.
Lowcard ad.
I call it "that's so saaaaaaaaad"
Don't bother me, I'm sleeping.
Out with the old and in with the new. This is my 3rd pair of the new Reynolds shoe by Emerica.
Before these 2 pairs, I had the high tops. Those were easily the best shoes I've ever had.
Sushi and gyoza.
Some alleged "fire" roll. It tasted good, but it didn't make me sweat.
As they say, It didn't exactly blow my skirt up.
Morning hype. I miss the Butcher.
I remember driving myself, BornRetard, ItWasTheLight, Gecko and I think Paul to the premier at H.O.B. in Anaheim. That night I remember having my first Dustin Dollin sighting. BornRetard got kicked out of the venue for being too wasted (as is tradition). And Billy Marks' part was fucking mind blowing. Literally flipping in and out of hand rails. I also remember  ItWasTheLight gave me some advice on how to get a chick to give up the back door. Great conversation, great dudes, great times.
Biscuit swooping in on my breakfast.
Milk kitty.
So hyped on this Gonz ad.
I only found it once.
Morning hype.
GeneralPercy, alive and kicking.
Katie, alive and kicking.
More morning hype. I try to watch one skate video every morning. I thoroughly enjoy the process of rummaging through my collection, picking one or two out, placing it in the dvd player and planting my duff on the couch. Even as I write this I'm watching skateboarding.
Another episode of my UnCut Shit Show has been released.
For your viewing pleasure.
Beautiful graffiti.
Ledge-endary spot by one of my favorite skater, Erik Ellington.
Drop down to backside grind. Fucking gnarly.
Fucking gnar. Thrill Of It All still gets me juiced to skate.
Glad to see The Big Show is still killing it in the wrestling game. 
However, the story line is impossible to follow.
If you haven't seen "Slammin' Salmon", yer blowing it.
Michael Clark Duncan stole the movie in my opinion.
R.I.P. big guy.
Biscuit looking good as usual.
St.Patricks day preparation.
Tropic Thunder.
Hard at work.
Tri-tip night is always a super fun night. I love bbqing. Rain or shine.
Look at the meat!!!!
ItWasTheLight was down to bbq. His girl probably ate the most mashed potato's I've ever seen.
Hotel Chuchill
Finger the shit outta that meat!
A meal fit for a King I say.



Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How Tuesday- DIY Pizza Night

Today's "How Tuesday" is a good one! Do it yourself pizza night is definitely on of the funnest times. Good times with yer best mates.
Pizza stone a la wedding gift. Apparently you can throw this on the grill too. 
Cooking minced garlic. It was the first step on making homemade marinara sauce.
Ingredients. I forgot to buy red pepper flakes, but luckily I rummaged through the ketchup container" and found a bunch of pepper flake packets from previous pizza deliveries.
Activating yeast.
Making dough! I was psyched to have an excuse to fire up the mixer. That too was also a wedding gift.
So I made about 8 balls of pizza dough. Hee hee... balls.
That's about 3 pounds of fresh tomato's. I let it slow cook for about six hours.
While the dough was sitting and the marinara sauce was cooking I hit the streets and went shredding with the bub.
Picked up a few toppings since everyone was gonna get a chance to design their own pie.
WormTits was the first one to go at it. Here he is rolling out his dough.
He went the cheese/jalapeno stuffed crust route.
His pie was ready to hit the oven.
Biscuit approved. Now it's ready.
Pie number 1 was a great success! Great job, WormTits.
The kitchen was alive this night.
Everybody going at it.
Butterface went the peepered salami and green bell pepper route.
And Larue went the Mac 'N Cheese route. Here he is basting his crust with melted butter to get that golden crunchy taste.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mmm!
Pie number 2 was also a great success. Who doesn't like mac 'n cheese?
Larue was hyped to cut that pie.
He was so excited, he snapped the pizza cutter. Doh!
That's alright. Throw that piece of shit away. We had a new, good quality, metal pizza cutter standing by ready for use. Also a wedding gift.
Moving on.
ShirleySwallows graced us with her presence and was thinking outside the pizza box.
Dessert! Nice and sweet. It had pear, shaved chocolate, fancy cheese (I can't remember which) and some sort of creamy sweet glaze in place of the marinara sauce. It was pretty amazing.
I guess that's one of the few things you pick up working at a fancy spot like Ruth Chris.
Butterface's pie was done.
Slice it up!
It was great, we were eating different types of pie in 20 minute intervals.
I got started on my pie. Bacon, spinach, jalapenos and marinara sauce. Pepperoni on deck.
I just stuffed the shit outta' it with all the leftover toppings.
More marinara sauce!
Snack break. Clearly everyone loved Butteface's.
Salami and mac n' cheese as extra toppings? Oh indeed!
More jalapenos on top, and it's ready for the oven.
It pretty much fell apart while getting transferred to the baking stone.
Womp womp.
And my pie came out to a burnt lump of cheesy stuffed meat crap. I just threw it in a bowl, 'cuz at the end of the day, who gives a shit.

