The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Video- Coronado Skatepark Halloween BBQ BOO!-TACULAR

The bub Stewart made this sick little two song edit of the kids shredding the park for the Halloween Skate Night Bbq!
Pretty stoked to be part of such a rad scene!
Songs are 'Halloween' and 'Halloween II' by The Misfits
Happy Halloween everybody!

Skateboarding rules so hard!


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Mandatory Bloggery- 50 Cent Corn Dog Day AKA I'm A Fat Fuck

Scrounge up some change from the couch cushions and get yourself some cheap grub at Sonics...
Wouldn't be an EF post without some pizza in it.
Duffman taking the plunge. Love this photo.
Junkyard with HamBone.
Shred zone.
Larb zone.
Cat-Fu alumni right here. Good seeing you Rod, best of luck in the Coast Guard.
That's my shit.
Back in the day.
Picture me rollin'.
Memo days.
Drumstick time.
Now, on to the main topic!
Oooooooooooooooo yea!
Behold in all it's glory! 50 cent corn dogs! 
10 for 5 bucks!
Time to get down to business!
Dipping sauces were mandatory.
Full on EF mode.
Making progress.
Going gluttony mode.
I must admit, I started to slow down.
Almost there!
Then the bubble gut started to kick in. I only drank water because I wanted the food to break down as quick as possible.
Eye of the tiger.
I'm gonna do it!
Then I literally hit the wall.
Nope! Gotta keep going!
Bit by bite....
The final bite!
Then I realized I was one corn dog short of a full ten. Apparently when I wasn't looking the wife swooped in and stole one! So it goes...
9 outta 10 ain't bad!


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mandatory Bloggery- Gluttony, Wild Animal Park Time and Shredding

Wish you were beer...
The old gut buster. A decent meal for under $5.
No complaints here.
Ribs. This is at that new spot in North Park called the Encontro located on 30th and University boulevard. Right on the corner. Good place to wet your whistle, chow some grub and people-watch.
Not pictured is the mac 'n cheese the wife had and honestly it was better than the ribs!  
Mint ice cream is my jam. Haven't been to an ice cream parlor in so long.
 Bridge drinking with ItWasTheLight.
No fotografia. DonaldGately
WormTits looking creepy.
We started here...
Now we are here. EATFIEND!

Best tasting bourbon for yer buck!
Evening hype.
The next morning, hungover at the new City Heights skatepark.
The deadly cute puppy eyes.
Pool party. My fat ass needs two pools.
One to chill in, one for my beer.
The Del. Used to be a bunch of awesome skate spots here. Now it's full of yuppies and tennis courts.
Bald eagle at the Wild Animal Park. This place rules.
It rules even harder when you have a drinking bub!
Spirit animal.
Almost as big as a gorilla.
LadyLarb, not so much.
Nachos and beer. The day was shaping out alright.
Beats being at work.
Sleeping kitty.
Bat shit crazy these two...
Grinds at Shockus park.
This place rules.
Sleepy Biscuit. This is the look he gives me when I'm getting ready for work.
Sesh at Alga Norte with the bub.
Skate camp.
Best burger graphic ever. Period.
Santorini burger at Crazee Burger kills it. The fries are so good!
Gluttony at its finest.

I'm not a big Guy Fierri fan but.......
Night moves at the new Kimball Skatepark down in National City.