The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Mandatory Bloggery- Halloween Fun, RFTC @ The Observatory and Wood Working w/ COLORS!

Where did I leave off?.....
Oh yea, Mariachi El Bronx opening for Rocket From The Crypt!
I'll try and keep these pics brief, 'cuz I know I tend to drag it out...
I can't stress how much I like this band!
San Diego legends.
The bub Robbie, happier than a pig in a mud pit.
Must get closer!
Mario Rupacalbra, LEGEND!
O.G. Alva Skates rider.
Decaying pumpkin update.
Busy as a bee! Buzz, buzz, buzzzzz....
The colors man, the colors....
For your listening pleasure!
All clamped up and ready to go!
Brought to you by Gorilla Glue!
Decaying pumpkin update.
This depicts how I feel.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mandatory Bloggery- Shred Sledding, Carving Pumpkins, Halloween Riff Raff

Are you bored yet?
I'm not....
HamBone got drunk and ate nothing but hot Cheetos for a whole night.
The end result was him barfing on the bush right out front our door. 
Rest in peace to my old jeans. Note the double knee holes. 
I ride them 'til they are practically threads!
The way Levi's should be worn!
Does it look like I'm farting?.....
Guess who?
Yup, it's the bub Larue!
I got deez cheeseburgers man.....
Gardening with the bubs...
South Park Halloween decor.
Keeping the plumbing running smoothly.
Cloudy days.
Debates at the Coronado Skatepark.
He rips.
I'm on it!
I do this style nearly every year.
The old Jack Skellington/Misfit Jack-O-Lantern.
The wife's is on the right!
I made the yard into a graveyard on hilarious skate related jokes.
Meat casket.
90's Ted...
Pollo asado!
...'til I fall on my ass.... repeatedly.
The bub David rip riding.
Fucking surfing! Look at that back foot!
He's the bub with tricks so hard on lock, that you can ask him to do them over and over again due to being a shitty cell phone blogger.
Popped out!
Well, hello there!
Cedric Hyenga and Jordan Carter. I've known these bubs since they were practically in diapers and when I see them nowadays, I am so proud that they are strapping young men! 
And, they still shred on the sled! I take great pride in that!
Mariachi El Bronx at the Observatory, North Park, San Diego.
...But that's coming next blog!

Smell ya later!


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Mandatory Bloggery- Halloween Special WSVT/Nado Park

WSVT 2017 Cotsume contest photos are ahead.
As I'm prone to saying, "better late than never."
I'm doing my best to get caught up here....
Halloween costumes are better when you make your own!
The old bank robber uniform.
Had to ad my signature.
I volunteered to host a BBQ for the rippers at the WSVT Halloween Shred Sesh.
I donated a stack of shirts to get out there in the wild. 
It feels good to give back to something that has given so much to me.
The calm before the storm.
Had to get the nacho cheese all heated up!
Daymen Hertsenstein with a hill billy weed farmer get-up. Points for creativity.
Thanks to Zack Dowdy, mastermind of Typical Culture, for organizing the whole event.
Memo homies, represent! Wuddup Nolan!
Pee Wee Herman!
And Dotty! Adorable!
Ho! Ho! Ho! It's MegaPeaceMike!
The bubs Brian and Brandon getting the music together.
Killer ink.
Pirate Lux and his dad, a death metal taco. Random and I love it.
Big John as Charlie Brown.
Muahkilla killing it! I assume she's had too many powdered jelly donuts.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Hi Ricky!
Raffle booth was going off!
The bub Juan Carlos with his eye on a line.
Rick and Morty costume was my personal fav. That show is so good.
Chris Cope
He kills it.
Pretty sure this bub won best costume.
All smiles and good times under the bridge.
The hot dogs were flying off the shelf.
Jam out!
Free styling in the back country.
Wuddup Danny! Keeping the pulse of Route 44 going!
I bought enough hot dogs to feed an army. Wal Mart really comes in handy in these 'feeding the masses' situations.
I also added some hot cheetos to the hot dogs!
*Mark Ass Troll!
The nacho cheese was mopped up!
No beer went undrank.
 I bought 164 hot dogs and every single one was eaten!
Then I zipped over to work to hist a BBQ for the kids on the Island. 
Double duty!
It was a great turn out! That's me as a bank robber!
Our costume contest participants!
Prizes I gathered for the kids!
Shout out to Typical Culture, Truman Hooker at Tranch clothing, Chris Larue and Pacific Drive for donating the goods! Love you guys!
Sticker scramble
They were psyched.
Costume contest winners. Every kids got some posters, magazines and stickers. No one walked away empty handed!
I was pooped. Love what I do!
Skateboarding rules and life is good.