More content for who knows why......
I miss going to the bar during the day for a sippy-poo...
This is somewhere right around post New Year's day...
I miss going to the bar during the day for a sippy-poo...
This is somewhere right around post New Year's day...
Night vibes with the bubs! Cheers to ya'all!
Marc went and bought himself that triple nacho-boat from Taco Bell.
Made his gut hurt the moment he finished it.
Shrimp cocktail anyone?
Night time glue-ups.
The oozing ooey gooey.
Another glue-up. For the bub Stewart.
I dig the Skittles colorway with the black walnut.
I got a whole bunch of comic books.
Breakfast of champions.
Jerry lives!
The bub Buster.
Saturday mornings at Coronado Skatepark for 19 years...
Love me a good vanity plate.
Love these smelly stinkers.
Thanks Mayo for the snacks!
I helped this kitty cross the street.
But I only have eyes for this kitty!
Love you Cody!
Piech the grump.
We had a poker party at a hotel for our bub Timmy.
I need a robe.
Desert morning.
Timmy had a fun bachelor party.
Fat Boys Deli. Love this place.
This was a special project that was commisioned to me. Can't wait to show y'all how it turned out!
My friend Morgan picked out these colors.
All ready for the wood planer!