The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Mandatory Bloggery- Month of February 2020, A-Lowes Recycled Skateboard Donation, Return of Sahi, Zoo Lurking, Wood Working

Welcome back to another regurgitation of pics and rants from the month of February......
I love Asia Wok. Take your pick.
I also love pepperoni with my scrambled eggs.
I love my kitty too.
Shout out to the bub Andy at A-Lowe prints for the used board donation! He was moving outta his spot and expanding his personal DIY screen printing business and was expanding! Cheers to you and your adventure bub!
Biscuit break....
I love taking pics of him but he's not a fan of me sticking my camera in his face.
This guy loved the camera.
Christian Hosoi
Ken Lewis sent me this pic taken at a signing. Probably the Hollywood Skateboard team signing.
Good times at that shop. Route 44 ended up taking over it's location until the crackheads upstairs set their place on fire and some random firefighter saved Matt and Mikey-Ratt's board collection.
It's a motorcycle shop for yuppies nowadays.
Thank you Andy at A-Lowe Prints for the board donation! 
I take 'em all!
I decided to jump right into it and strip the grip from them all.
Anyone remember "Mystery Skateboards"?
Hometown bub.
I went hard this day.
Pure evil.
Jason Adams is still the shit!
18 forever.
Lobster ass.
Grip art.
Napoleon Dynamite
Management was demanding productivity.
Tom Penny forever.
I hate scraping.
Especially when the grip does this....
Anyone remeber East county's "Black Wax" skate shop?
Mike Paige was a nice dude.
I want you to be happy too!
Creature vibes.
Samurai vibes. I'm digging the Hawaiian Punch mascot too.
More Napoleon Dynamite inspiration.
Brew Killer series by Creature skateboards! These were sick!
Let 'em heat up in the sun makes for an easier peel. (sometimes...)
Shockus Forever!
Reminds me of the subway scene in "Kids".
Little people.
80's music video industry had little people working a bunch. Seems like all British people could think of for ideas was during the renaissance/fantasy era.
I miss Slap Magazine.

The King of Brooklyn!
A Darkstar "Mike Hastie" board is a super random find.
Red Dragons don't fuck around...
Clamping party.
More fuel for the fire.
Single sliced cheesecake 'cuz I can't be trusted with a whole damn pie...
Fancy salad.
Homemade biscuit and mushroom'sausage gravy!
More skillet pizza!
Recycling run!
From cans to tools and material I need!
For tea-light candles!
Jimi Hendrix, the greatest. No one did it like him. 
More glue-ups.
The before picture prior to clamping...
Clamp up some noses and tails too. I got a bunch of these...
Like seriously, a fuck-ton.
Probably the last bar I went to before this whole Covid-19 madness.
I miss getting drunk around a pool table and wasting a day away.
Especially when it rains.
Ye olde Long Island ice tea.
Finally made it over to "Firebirds Chicken"! 
Located at 4155 University boulevard, San Diego CA 92105
Their signature chicken sandwich is spicy! 
I'm sweating just looking at this food pic.
Signature fries were good too!
I'll be back for sure!
Late nights...
.....turn into wasted nights...
.....stinky gluttonous nights...
.....we know how to make friends....
He looks so happy with his new bub.
Sick Anthony Schultz wall hanger.
I want all the skateboards...
I mess with a good b.l.t. especially if it comes with tater-tots!
Last days here...
Two cats one lap.
Hard hat life.
Cream of mushroom with baked chicken breast and brocolli.
Putting the new grinder to work.
Caught him snoozin' and I startled the bub!
Cutting board I made.
All hail the carne-asada nachos. Adding jalapenos is a must.
Snack time
More snacks.
New shred sled vibes....
Super hyped on the bubs board!
Came up on soem Jake Duncombe wheels so naturally I hooked a kid up at the Skatepark with them.
Time to take a ferry ride back to the mainland.
I wanna wallie off this thing.
Skated home from Seaport Village and swung by the City College 7 stair rail.
Some Vista homies were shredding it. I didn't wanna interrupt so I dipped.
Spot check!
I spy with my little eye...
A kitty!
Made my way over to Slappy's garage and the bub Jason quenched my thirst!
Thanks bub!
Then I made it to Giorgino's steak sandwich shop!
Mandatory pint.
These sandwiches rule.
I wanna make these at home.
Come to think of it the last show I saw was a David Bowie cover band...
The singer was a female and she sounded like Bowie but was dressed as the Goblin King from the Labyrinth.
Then she kinda killed it for me 'cuz she got drunk and hot and took off her wig.
Kitty sighting!
  Pacific Drive lurking...
Needless to say, this day was a bit blurry...
But I lurked with my best bubs.
Sheffey and Smolik are a couple of legends!
The King of Thomas Avenue.
Homie vibes were high.
We are all kids at heart.
I was dorking around, sitting in the gutter taking drunken pics of the bubs.
Capturing those moments of freedom.
Always a good time when Chris is working at the shop.
I was more focused on partying and not really skating...
My treat after all...
Heart eyes for the bub.
Double fisting.
Some serious wall hangers up there.
Wish I bought this one.
Real is so sick.
Also I love The Shining.
So sauced. I proved my disapproval for bird scooters this night. As a result, my Uber driver drove off with my phone. I was lucky to get it back after a stressful 24 hours.
Good times!
More fuel.
Back at the Zoo.
This place never gets old.
Tongue out Tuesday.
I wanna come here forever.
Wish this was my ride to work.
These lizards were everywhere.
It was hot this day.
Snuggle bandits.
Extra pep and extra cheese please!
And more vegetables to produce healthy dumps.
No thanks.
And yet again, I find myself back at the Zoo. This time was with the Sahi clan.
The only mammal that will actively hunt a man from far away.
More woodshop vibes.
I love using the drill press.
Tea-light candle holders.
Just need a nice sanding.
These blocks are made outta noses and tails.
Routing vibes.
For the bub Will.
Big donut, little man.
The Bear Republic.
More snacks.
Love you Hank.
You were a good companion.
Memories brought to you by Google.
Stacks on stacks!
Finishing up these two projects.
Carchuterie board. Or a spanking paddle. Depending on the customer I suppose...
Love you bub, rest in peace.
All grinded up and ready to mill.
Dane Brady rules.
Caveman boardslide slappy was sick!
Red on red on red...
Grinded out a few this day.
And continued to work on Stewart's try.
I built a rim underneath so the fold out legs will be hidden.
Will's sure looks pretty in the sun.
Extra wide juice grooves.
I appreciate everyone's support.
Custom letter 'C'.
This was a fun one to make. Carved outta noses and tails.
Carchuterie board looks sick in the sunlight too!
I forgot to wood burn in my logo.
It's all good 'cuz this thing came out beautiful.
Video score courtesy of Slappy's garage!
Lefty's Pizzeria. The "Hot Dip Beef Sandwich" is to die for.
The hot dogs are bomb too.
I love Chicago. Woulda' been sick to catch this show.
Went on a hike with the wife in Julian.
It's beautiful out there.
Comfort in trees.
They were on to me.
Imagine getting close enough to one of these to actually have the opportunity to kill it.
Now imagine doing that without a gun.
Scary kittys.
Fenced off. Was hoping to go mine diving but it wasn't so.
Pretty cool to check out the nooks and crannies of San Diego county.
Back to work on Stewart's tray.
Had to fill in this gap on some improperly cut 45 degree angles.
Rookie shit.
Luckily I have a solution!
I throw away almost nothing and when I end up with paper thin shavings of walnut, I set them aside and find a use for them later.
Fill it with glue and sand it down!
Fucking stoked how this one is turning out.
How do you Charlie Brown?....
Such a cool box.
Stinky bubs.
Bubs under 5'6".
I made a stupid bet this night and said I'll do 10 push ups for every strike thrown.
My ass got whooped and I broke down after 99 push ups.
Some good times at the bowling alley.
'Til next time...