Been a busy man the last 12 days. Sorry for keepin' you loyal Fiends waiting. ItWasTheLight has been hard at work, working on the most anticipated video of 2007. Thats right, I'm talking about the Donkey Punch 3 video!
What better hype man could you ask for than Zoidberg. Whoop! whoop whoop whoop!
Capt.Sahi was present via Skype. Lookin' good Bub!
Soon-to-be-dad Cody Carlin with Mr.Reyes. YEA!
Lookin sharp.
So Gangsta'...
Capt.Kangaroo says: "Ka-Kawwwww!"
I had a belly full of beer so you can bet yer ass I was giving out free hugs!
ButteFace was present and accounted for.
Nick made a guest appearance.
Original DPC members right there.
Premiere in the MenDen went great!
BornRetard was there too. Kinda hard to ignore the guys 'cuz he won't stop talking yer ear off.
Brothers from different mothers.
About 12 people showed up! Tight! I gotta say my favorite parts were Tim/Cody's joint part and Capt.Kangaroo's opening part. It also featured some of the other homies like Nuge, Jimmy Carlin, Mr.MoonLight/Cos and the Duffman closing it out with a 2 song'r last part. Wish those dudes could have been here but what the hell. The video was full of gnarly bangers that were done by the likes of Nuge and Duffman. And even though it's footage that has been released it's also full of parts from DP2 members that have never seen the light of day until now. It's great 'cuz the footage was edited to songs of the filmers choice... the way it was originally intended to be seen.
After the premier I met up with this guy. A barrel full of laughs I say. Not for the weak
Best guy to drink with at the bar. Pure entertainment.
Mandatory Bloggery coming next.
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