The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mandatory Bloggery

Out and about lurking in the streets.
Live hard Eat hard.
 Random cat poster I saw up in Berkley. 
 Cheeseburgers and baseball. America, fuck yea.
 Are you a seeder? Its a good way to kill time at the bus stop.
 R.I.P. On to bigger and better places.
 The heat has been unbearable and the sun unforgiving. I hate wearing sunscreen but I hat my face being burnt more.
 Tim looking evil with a makeshift halo over his head. Down but not out.
 Free dingle-berries!
 PrivateCos passed out. His shoes were on, so some light hazing ensued. 
 Walking beer. Man Man is such a rad band. Check them out. It like if a circus started a cool band.
 This place is on 30th street a couple of blocks south of University blvd. Has a drive thru but I don't like how they put salsa fresca on everything. I went with the chicken burrito with cheese and sour cream only.
 Stopped inside of Bar Pink for a beer. My chicken burrito was amazing. Definitely will be going back there.
 Cherry coke and Jameson for the walk home is a tasty combination.
 Im a gay fish.
 At Costco you couldn't get a more satisfying meal for under $4.
 Ya gotta pay to play.
 The liquor store down the street from my house has 12 paks of Pabst for $7.99. Fair price.
 Anybody wanna guess which bar this is?
 It ain't no D'Angelos. Thats why I won't be ordering it again.
Ends with a burger.



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