The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Larbsgiving 2012

Larbsgiving 2012 was a doozy...
Grilling commenced and beers were slammed. It was a great time. Here are some pics over the course of 2 days. Extreme Larbism was practiced however, sadly no bridges were drank under.
Why not party our asses off the day before Larbsgiving? 'Nuff said.

CommanderNBeef graced us with his presence and explained to us that everything is all relative.
Capt.KangaRue doing his best Jaws impression on a chicken wing.
LordBlah arrived and we squandered what was left of a bottle of Jose Cuervo. Man that stuff tastes like garbage water.

The next day the 'fridge was packed with the necessities to kick off Larbsgiving.
Slammed some beers while we waited for the party to arrive.
I also got started on making potato salad. If you have never made it its alot of work, but man the final product is worth it. About 3 pounds of potatoes.
Hard boiled 9 eggs for 10 minutes.
And of course 1 pound of bacon.
Cook dat shit up!
Neil showed up and hung out for a bit. Yea Neil!
Diced up some onions and got to work on the bacon.
After the eggs were hardboiled I mashed them up with a potato masher. Made it super easy. If you want to see some people mashing, click here.
LordBlah presenting a fine looking beef sirloin. 
Then the Jagermeister was handed out to get into cooking mode. This is where the fun began.

LordBlah also brought over a pork sirloin and got to cork searing it in a pan.
Brussel sprouts that never even got taken outta' the bag. When there meat present, veggies don't stand a chance.
Armed with plenty of Jameson to go around. It ain't no fun if the homies don't get none.
Sliced up bacon cooking in a shit load of bacon and garlic.
Enough to satisfy any mans meat-tooth I'd say.
Rounds of Jameson.

For you fetish freaks out there. Yes Morganism is stroking the shit outta that meat. If yer into the hand fetish thing.
Pork was coming along. Cooking in its own fatty delicious tasting juices.
So the pork sirloin was cut open and spread spread out. Then went down some fancy cheese spread.
Along with marinated mushrooms and a garlic paste of some sort. I just went along with what LordBlah wanted to do. He has excellent taste when it comes to the meaty-greedy goods.
Meanwhile, slices of raw bacon were being prepared.

As you can see after placing everything in the sirloin, it is being rolled back up... so.
Then wrapped in bacon.
Oh yea...
How's that food-rection coming along?
So I gave up on documenting the potato salad. It went over well, that 'cuz of the bacon.
So after the sirloin gets wrapped in bacon you gotta string it up so it doesn't fall apart.
Pan sear it.
Go grab yerself another beer, you've earned it.
More where that came from.
LordBlah's gal showed up with 60 jello shooters. A whole gallon of vodka went into making these bitches!
Larbsgiving colors!
LordBlahs mom came along and a delicious macaroni n cheese dish.
BornRetard arrived and the retardation was commenced.
Cheers everybody! I like how you can't see anybody's face in this pic.
Pork sirloin was pan seared and then tossed into the oven for a bit.
And then the beef sirloin came out and was so damn tender and juicy!
Green bean casserole with those fried onion crunchy things on top.
Yea Mathew! He enjoyed the shit outta' some pumpkin pie.
South Park was on t.v. My favorite episode, the Bat-dad episode. 
Later, Larbism ensued and certain party's were blacked out.
People loved the jello shots.
Neil's father in-law came and tried to ignore BornRetard. It was awkward.
The next morning I guess PeeWee enjoyed himself a biscuit.
The next day was Thanksgiving and the Patriots won. Overall it was an excellent Larbsgiving.

New Years Eat post coming soon.



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