The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Night of a million mosquito hawks: The CSFU premiere, MenDen style

Everyone knows that I'm a fan of Creature skateboards...
...especially there P2 boards. Keeps a big boy like me rolling. I wasn't able to make it to their premiere in Pacific Beach, so fuck it. I threw my own. All four of us had a blast.
I was so excited for CSFU vid to drop I watched there previous video "Hesh Law" before winning poker nite. As you can see I was heads up with PrivateWormTits and so drunk I went all in with king-7 suited. WormTits calls me with pocket 6's! Drunken misfortune didn't favor PrivateWormTits, the board came out with aces, and some other cards. When all was said and done I won with a king high and was a $120 richer! Woo hoo!
Anyhow a few days later, Capt.KangLarue proved his weight in beer and showed up with his old lady in tow and the CSFU video along with the new Thrasher Mag. Gravette's cover was gnarly! And also the ender hammer to his part. We had to do some ceremonial beerbongs before starting the vid.
 It was night of a million mosquito hawks because they kept flying into the menden, freaking out our old ladies. Pretty hilarious if you ask me. They eat mosquitos fer cryin' out loud.
The video was rad, interesting soundtrack. Ryan Reyes definitely had the lamest song, fuckin' raver.
My favorite part was Stu Graham's (of course), and Willis Kimbel. Not only did that dude do some new  tranny tricks, but he sure can 50-50 them big bars.
Honorable mentions also go to Taylor Bingaman and Scissors.
The video was soon almost over and David Gravettes part (last part) came up.
Time to pause it and do another beerbong!
 You thought Gravette's bonus footy was gnarly, holy chicken nuts his part was insane.
I figure he's a shoe in for SOTY. Only other person contending so far is Ben Raybourn....



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