The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

EatFiends UnCut Shit Show part 6 Friends and Lurkers

Been really hyped on making videos lately...
 Went and skated with some friends at the DMV last night and found myself saying that the whole process of skating, filming, editing, fun times off the board, harassing yer friends to do tricks, meeting at spots, night skating, ramps, curbs, parks, etc. is way more fun when yer not caring about sponsorship, who's watching or whatever else bullshit may or may not be going on around you. 

Featured Larbs: Joseph, Capt.LaRue, Neil, Arty, Poods the Cat, Dolan Stearns, BGar, GucciBuckTim, Gumby, Tyrone, UnionLeatherWorks, GayBoy, Brando&Friends (sorry, there's 3 of you guys that I can't remember yer names.). We have HardNookDave skating at the TWS Duffman/Foundation 10 year party as well as some antics from some Memo homies. Then I have a few poached warm-up tricks of Sean Conover while he was filming for C.S.F.U. vid, and then the good bub Mr.FilipinoKing closing it out with a few tricks he filmed, moments before I dislocated my left index finger on that fucking white ledge.
Anyway. Here's the 6 installment to the never ending Shit Show that I witness through my daily life.

Skating is fun!



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