Finally back on my skateboard. Knee is doing much better.
Here are some pics on my road to "recovery".
DHodge, ollie the long way. I'm sure the footage will look a lot sicker than my angle.
ItWasTheLight was psyched to skate in the alley, under the hot sun with some bed bugz.
In this case, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. Eyeing up his setup.
We were both scared to touch the things...
Add a butter block and you got yerself a stew, baby!
Arrested Development.
Not so GoPro was out in full effect.
Born And Bred To Eat And Shred!
After all the shredding we went back to ItWasTheLights bat cave and said hello to Meow.
Documenting the day.
She loves her scratch-tower.
My Droid camera doesn't do justice how pretty and green her eyes really are...
Done with the shredding part, on to the eating part!
I credit PBR, bacon and space bag for aiding my recovery of the kneesels.
A lot more where that came from.
Fuck it, why not order some pizza for dinner too?
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck yea!
Fucking beautiful.
Looks like a used rubber at a rape/murder scene. Oh wait, that's just my empty space bag.
All the shit wine went into my stomach.
Got a little drunk and rough with Biscuit and he clawed me up good.
Lil' Man got me.
The next day, so many choices while I was at work.
Greasy ass slice. I probably ate pizza 4 or 5 times within the past 36 hours at this point. I was killing it!
Instead of buying a hot dog to accompany my slice, I opted to try the beef brisket sandwich at $4.99.
The bun was good, just the meat was a little dry. If they had thrown a tablespoon of bbq sauce on that bitch it would have been D-fucking-licious!
I'm not complaining, all I'm sayin' is all I'm sayin'....
That kitty is hard as fuck, like the Roc Pile! Know what I'm sayin'?
Crab cakes, shots and beer.
LordBlah made these and they were fucking delicious.
On a mutha fuckin' Hawaiian honey roll with some cole slaw!
Know what I'm sayin'?
Shot after shot ensued 'til it was gone.
Boom bitches!
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