The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mandatory Bloggery- Larbsgiving 2014

Larbsgiving happened so fast I barely remember it.
Luckily I took a few pics and am able to muster up a few thoughts.
Happy birthday to my babe, it was the same day.
 So I was highly motivated. I thawed out all of this meat and didn't cook any of it due to time restrictions and work,
 Luckily when I cam home, CommandNBeef was in town handling the turkey duties while handled the bird duties.
Speaking of giving them the bird...
 LadyLarb came home stoked to see that I decorated for her.
 Biscuit was confused.
 Donald Gately.
 WormTits and CommNBeef were killing it on the food duties.
 Used the propane powered slow cooker to roast the bird.
Found this weird propane edit.
 Nailed it!
 And a rack of ribs to go with it!
 Lots of people came. Everyone had a drunkenly good time!
 WormTits mad guacamole-bacon deviled eggs.
 More bacon!
 Lumberjack Fantasies!
 Lines of bacon for everyone!
 Soaked wood chips for the slow cooker.
 A meal fit for many Larbs!
 Fireball for everyone.
 Shotgunning the Devli's lettuce.
The height that we cheers'd was perfect to block LordTyrions face.
Oompa loompa oompa dee doo!......
Larue rolled with BeerBonginBrockman and his better half, Alyson.
Alyson is the person I pester for gardening knowledge since I'm too dumb to google those kinds of things.
Fucking feasting! The turkey was a huge hit.
Blacking out ensued and bellies were filled.
BK (far left) showed up. That dude is good on a skateboard.
Having a house full of good food, laughs and friends is priceless.
Nom nom nom.......
Unbeknownst to me, WormTits had been slow roasting some chicken in some broth  and veggies.
So darn good.
"Just dump it down my suckhole!"
You know I had to get in on that double beer-bong action!
All smiles. Love this photo.
Everybody was getting there's!
It was time to get shitty.
Get on yer knees and take it!
Things were getting shitty.
Blurry Jana looking on in awe.
Shots of Jameson were being consumed.
The wife was kind enough to catch The Larb in his natural habitat feasting.
Mental retardation was in full effect.
And part two...
The next mornig I saw a peaceful Pat in his slumber.
Don't know why he chose to sleep on the small couch.



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