The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mandatory Bloggery- Oakland Part 3 Shitbaggery In The East Bay

Welcome back to another episode of our Oakland shit fest.
The rivers of shit were running deep and we tredded our way right into it.
No free refills in Oak town.
Free needles everywhere!
The bubs were ready for another day of shitbaggery in the East Bay.
WhiskeySlimeMike wasn't even worried about bed bugs.
Zero fucks were given.

Leap of drunken faith.

Land! Why would a denim delivery service be out front of a pizza shop?
Nothing is good for me? My Spanish is shitty.
Looks like that seal has plenty of fish to eat. Fat fuck,
It was wild card weekend as far as the NFL goes. I wasn't in the mood to watch a football game, so I grabbed a few cans of beer and walked around downtown Oakland.
I hear it was legendary.
Little China town was cool.
I fully regret not buying one. Reminded me of "Destroying America" Hook Ups video.
Food boner.
I like buildings. Lines. Symmetry, 
Came across this beast. This thing is no joke.
The ledge is literally waist height.
The spot has got some smaller funner ledges too.
"I got this!"
Meanwhile, everyone was kicking back some drinks at the Half Time sports bar. 
White Russian party.
Rusty had to leave a day early. I bought him a to-go Fireball shot.
These two don't do very well in sun light.
WormTits with a to-go cocktail.
More buildings. Just like Chi town.
Then we found this place. The "Golden Bull".
More buildings. Lines. Windows. Shiny.
CommNBeef decided to kick it outside the bar and crush a few cans of beer before heading in. While we were standing here we were approached by a black dude that asked us if we were "looking".
We said "nah", and then he walked by us. Made a u-turn and then asked us if we were cops. I replied "Do I look like a cop?" The dude then pulls the biggest bag of crystal meth out of his pocket I had ever seen. This fucking thing was bigger than a golf ball.
We replied, "Nah, we're good."
Fuck that shit.
Cheers bub!
In case anybody was wondering where the Golden Bowl was.
Then I find WhiskeySlimeMike passed out in the bathroom.
He was in perfect tea bagging position.
Booze soaked sack of turds.
Then the door man walks in and decided to take a selfie with his friend.
Everybody else seemed to be having a good time.
Vitamin C.
I was really hoping he would fall. Just like you see on t.v.
We then decided to head to The City (S.F.).
Sweet ass brick ledges inside the BART stations.
I'm sure I get annoying filming everything. It's fun though, fuck off.
KingBaby having a hissy fit on the dirty ass BART station ground.
King fucking Baby
Then he started getting all clingy.
Some were more stoked than others...
Mike is always easy to provoke.
Case in point.
I chose to sit, 'cuz I didn't want to touch anything inside the BART.
DonaldGatley, drunk as ever. Who knows where we are going. Not really caring. Just going.
Yep, this pic depicts my drunken hazy memory.
Then I time traveled to the hotel room by myself. Apparently I was really drunk muttering obscenities at whatever bar we wound up. Then they put me in a Uber and sent me on my way.
I awoke in the bed witha pizza delivery man banging on the door. Apparently I had ordered pizza.
Everyone was stoked that there was food when they returned.
Jim Beam in hand.
Then things got real shitty.
Fun with the bubs!
Sweet KingBaby decided to use my hat as a pillow.
Our place was fucking trashed!
Me being a jerk.
WormTits could have cared less. As usual, zero fucks were given. The Larb was in cruise control.
Then KingBaby emerged to sleep on the bed.
Then Colin was contemplating putting his balls in KingBaby's hand. I had my camera, then he pussed out. Photo opportunity was missed.
DonaldGately was amused.
Late night conversations with Matt.
Shredded phone book everywhere. Like a fucking hamster cage.
Until next blog...



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