The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mandatory Bloggery- Donating To The Look Back Library

Warning: Hyper nerdy skateboarding magazine blog lays ahead.
Through the magic of social media (Instagram) I met Kevin Marks, old owner of Overload Skateshop then he sold the shop and started up and organized "The Look Back Library"! A place where skateboard literature will be preserved and cherished!
I buy these every time I got to my nearby convenience store.
What else did you expect?
Over it.
One of my all time favorite interviews. Geoff Rowley, Big Brother magazine. 1998
Ben fuckin' Gilly!
Old Strength mags. Gareth Stehr next to the almighty Sheffey. Ed Selego with a big ass hubba grind.
Frustrating that some of the pictures came out sideways.
Skateboarding monkey, The Muska, Fowler on "the White issue", Machnau with a monster of a crooks. I had way more a few years ago. Makes me wish I didn't trash them.
Old garbage relics from my days at Hanger 18. During the final closing days of that shop, I took home so much "trash". Didn't have the heart to toss any of it.
TWS. All of it is heading to the Look Back Library, where they will be preserved.
More awesome covers. Kareem Campbell on top right with a hell of a switch crooks, '97 I think.
So many legends. Blender, Thomas, Peterson, Koston..... Skateboarding rules.
Justin Roy with his only cover during his career. Back smith grind. "The Sex Issue" also has the first Jimmy Carlin interview, to my knowledge at least.
The Mag. Peter Hewitt's natural pipe is my favorite.
More amazing skateboard literature, foiled by a shitty IPhone picture.
The Bible.
So much rad.
Skateboarder. Jamie Thomas on the bottom row with a huge front 180. I remembered buying it back in '98 when Skateboarder was "Now bi-monthly!"
To be honest, I was a bit torn. As I went through each mag, I caught myself slowly accumulating a pile of mags that I decided I was gonna keep for nostalgic sake. Then I realized I needed to let go. 
Help build what is being built.
Really wanted to keep these. The Boulala cover is legendary. 
The onslaught that went down at Wilshire 15 will never be forgotten.
Just a few of the amazing covers Jamie Thomas has had. MISLED YOUTH!
My personal favorite. HK. So fucking gnarly.
When I brought the mags to the Library, this quickly caught my eye. It was the only photo I could get because my phone ran out of memory. None the less, I was hyped on it. Also really hyped to nerd it up at the library.
Senor fucking Mango's! This is the best stuff on a hot day.
The torta's ain't so bad either.
Have a good one ya'll!


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