The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Mandatory Bloggery-Greek Islands Cafe @ Sea Port Village & Skate Camping Summer 2017

This blog is pretty much a dedication to the beautiful place I live in here on Spaceship Earth (W.H.A.S. reference).
All of this stuff went down in one week. So rad.
Best message ever. I feel like I posted this photo recently, but I don't care.
You never know what will roll into the Skatepark.
Looks like an o.g. polarizer!
Except Polarizer's don't have a kick tail.
Best bowls ever.
Literally an hour drive north to Alga Norte skatepark and it was drizzling.
Then twenty five minutes later, it dried out.
My furry little monster man.
Highly recommended frozen pizza available at your local grocery store.
From the dough to the sauce to the cheese and toppings, this pie was legit!
Speaking of legit....
Francis is very good at shredding wood.
front disaster
Chicano Park, underneath the interstate 5 freeway.
Chicano Skatepark underneath the San Diego/Coronado bay bridge.
Beautiful naked girl art.
Boom, on the other side of the bay. 
I can teleport!
Boom! Now we are over here!
 Went on a mid-week date with my babe at Seaport Village.
America's finest city keeps popping up more tall sky scraping buildings.
Skated around here the other day!
The bay was a breezing this day.
Quick pit stop for a few bottles of hot sauce.
Place is legit. The have it all when it comes to hot sauce.
Then we grew hungry and stumbled upon this place.
"Greek Island's Cafe" located at Seaport Village in sunny downtown San Diego.

This guy told what was up!
3D menu. Why every restaurant doesn't do this is beyond my comprehension.
We were killing it.
30 oz. cup of Ballast Point "Sculpin" for $12! I was on it!
Meat kebab.
I'm really thrown off by this trend in men wearing high shorts. I know it's hot, but come on, put on some board shorts. Aren't you worried about yer balls falling out when you sit down? Then yer balls are sitting on some bar stool in DTSD and lordy knows how long it's been since that bar stool was wiped down... I'm rambling.
 Unless your trying to be funny and wear denim cut-offs and claim that you are a never-nude.
Then we stopped for a cone. The evening wasn't planned out. It just sorta unfolded this way.
Absolutely perfect.
Focused little shredder.
Hyped to be fortunate enough to goof off at skateparks teaching skateboarding to groms. 
I love what I do.
BYOA. (bring your own avocado)
Best decision I've ever done with a fast food meal.
Just when you think In N Out couldn't get any better, boom.
Do me a favor and...^


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