The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Mandatory Bloggery- Chopping Up More Skateboards and Hustling EF Shirts

Holy guacamole!
It has been quite some time since I last blogged....
...Which is a good thing. Been working like a mad man!
Not to worry, I've been taking plenty of pictures!

Now back to our regular scheduled program...
Not so healthy...
Last of the Mohicans right here. It has been well over a year since Route 44 had to shut down.
Will it ever be back? Who knows. I have the best wishes for Matt Olin and his employees.
The big 3, in my opinion. Now it's more like the big 2.
Peeling grip tape is hell on the hands, but a heat gun makes the process a bit easier.
Creature always has sick top graphics.
Chop! Chop!
Big shout out to Chris Larue over at Pacific Drive for letting me rummage through the garbage.
One bubs trash is another mans free working material.
Stokes me out to give theses boards a second chance at life instead of being thrown straight into the trash.
Time to get to work on the table saw.
The table saw, to me, is the scariest process even though we have a "Saw Stop".
They make the safest table saw in the business! Although, I plan on never finding out the hard way.
Black Flag
This was my first and still my favorite Black Flag album.
Ripping strips and soon I'll be home taking sips!
Leftover scraps. I throw nothing away.
Gnarly ass pipe clamps. 
All gooey and sticky. 
This glue can dry in an hour or so, but I typically let it rest and cure for a day or two.
Double time!
It's important to be generous with the glue so it may fill every nook and cranny.
Planet glue.
Took a leap of faith and bought a $6 loaf of bread. Typically I try to buy bread that is two loaves for $5, but my options were pretty slim and I wanted to try something new. This bread did not disappoint!
I got EATFIEND shirts! 
Hit me up!
Thanks for the supports Stewart! Hope it keeps you warm!
Self portrait.
I miss bowling and peppermint schnapps.
Wholesome style WSVT bbq sesh. 
Now I want some Kool-Aid.
The bub David keeps getting better and better on his shred sled.
He skates fast, real fast.
I'm a cheeseburger factory.(What does that even mean?)
So baked.
Fantasy football nerdyness.
This guy told Mike a bunch of bullshit!
Finally got some monster wheels! 
Thanks to the bub Scott for scoring this sled for $20 down at the swap meet!
Good find!
Time to get back to work on these bad boys! Trimmed the edges and ran them through a planer.
Then some sanding and routing. Punched a hole and then a nice healthy dose of this good stuff!
I like this one a lot.
  I've been getting a lot of positive feedback. 
Very encouraging!
Time to get this Shed sled assembled.
If you want one, hit up @artysglass on Instagram.
Had a blast doing a sticker job.
Vroom vroom!
I'm healthy, right?
The owner didn't speak too highly of the Chargers when I asked him about his plate.
Memo therapy.


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