The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Mandatory Bloggery- Mas Wood Working Porn and Good Bye Burger Date w/ Webster

I prefer to think of my hands as the slaughtering house for dead boards. Ready to me reanimated into something different. Like a mad scientist!
Faces and bodies. Stars and galaxies.
For your listening pleasure.
Said one last good bye to my beloved Krux kitty grip tape. This always made a great ice breaker. I would love to get a few more sheets.
Peeling and sanding these bad boys.
four eyed ogre skull. Wish I could draw like this.
Patent number?
Love me a good Stu Graham board.
I identify with the ogre. Also goblins and other mythical hideous creatures.
Long live Toy Machine!
Might have been a Tempster board.
Some boards are more difficult to strip and sand than others.
Rising from the dust...
All clamped up and ready to go! Hey! Ho! Let's Go!
The next set of specimens.
Jeff Grosso is one of my favs.
Slightly moldy. Nothing a belt sander can't handle.
Once again, Creature coming through with a strong graphic game.
Work work work.
Got bit by the belt sander. She don't care, she'll even eat your t-shirt!
The colors man, the colors!
The purple and green boards are Creature boards of course.
All clamped up.
A sticky mess.
I try to do a few at a time.
My first woody!
Clean routing.
More beautimous in the sun.
Proof that it was made from recycled skateboards.
Hand engraved and numbered!
Shaped like a moustache.
Dried up.
Raw blocks.
I encountered glue slip on this one. Made it not sip flat on the ground. 
It was troublesome to get it planed properly, but I'm glad it worked out!
Subject number 2.
Skate date at Alga Norte park with Mark Webster.
He's going back to 'Bama.
Later bub!
NOM, NOM, NOM.....
Time to look at all the fresh boards!


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