The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Mandatory Bloggery- SD Shredding w/ Larue and Bubs all the way up to Hollywood- Shredding w/ Capt.Sahi!

Another day, another blog... Let's see how long I can keep this going!
I'm calling this month "The Big Push"!
Work hard, play hard.
Most days start like this...
Walnut and recycled skateboards.
Opted to not make a cutting board outta this one. Gonna try and make a serving tray!
Used a hand router and routed out and inch deep!
Before sanding...
After sanding! 
Still need to clean it up. I punched the holes for some leather handle straps.
Stay tuned!
Cuty Heights post work session! This place gets me juiced!
Do you even cheeseburger, brah?
Mike Hawk.
Larue, shredding. The kids are even good at early grabs these days!
Dreamy spot!
The bubs Cooloo and Cameron on a filming mission.
Look at that Spider-man stee! And the filmer stee!
Sesh was heavy.
Here's a make! He did it more than once.
Battle royale.
Boogy man.
Summer is here and school is out!
A million tricks have been done on this manual pad. 
Skate stoppers be damned!
Eyeing up more obstacles.
Three tricks come to mind when I see this spot.
Duffman, Burman and Cody-something...
2002: Advertisments
Corey Duffel, 2001/'02ish. 
Big fuggin' ollie.
Dane Burman, cover of The Bible, 20012.
And recently, I met the bub Cody Subido at a Skatepark through Larue. He boardslide yank-out the same spot! Fast forward to 2:12 to see the footy!
Working on projects...
Met up with this beautiful human in west Hollywood, recently!
Spot checking across the street from the hotel.
He was riding soft wheels. Aint no thang!
Blast off!
There was a empty bottle of Jameson on the ledge too.
Would have been nice to have some sippy-poos.
Full speed ahead!
Hollywood, we have lift off!
Maybe I should invest in a better camera with a fish eye lens. 
I like the idea of getting much closer.
Brace for impact...
That's all she wrote. On to the next spot, wherever that may be.
Swaggin' roll away. The bub has a good stee.
He was stoked!
Spot check. Jim Greco 50-50'd this thing off that tiny steep bank.
I thought it was pretty cool. Greco is tuff.
Found ourselves pushing down the walk of fame. You could spend the whole day doing this if you wanted. Drunk-ass Judge Judy.
I love her.
Then we hit up Matt Groening's favorite Thai restaurant!
I was so hyped to try someplace new! Especially in hoity-toity west Hollweird. 
Cheers bub! I miss you already!

Shine on you crazy diamond!


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