The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Mandatory Bloggery- Randumbness & Shredding w/ Larue and the Bubs in DTSD

Aaaaaaaand we are back!
When I say "we", I mean "me". But enough ranting and time for some randumbness!
New spot on the Island in the Smart and Final parking lot. Hit it up!
David Hodge with a back five-0 on the kinda new rainbow rail at Nado park.
He told me he had just learned back 5-0's on round flat bars the weekend before.
He rips.
Came up on some BBQ!
Chomp on this.
Sleepy bub.
So fragile, so elegant...
The bub Ivan swung by the park. He's a fun bub to shred with.
New bits!
I regret not trying it.
Fun with staining...
Not a fan. I prefer the original Skittles as well as the berry flavor and the 'dark side' ones are pretty good too.
The Little Club, where so much has started and ended.
Where nobody knows your name.
It was Christmas Day and I was eager to show off my new Rambo shirt.
Pot roast time with the family.
My Mom. Everything I know kitchen-wise is from her. She can whip up anything.
Honored guest.
Wood projects...
Been slacking on this stuff. It's still fun to do though.
Cloudy mornings at Nado park. I've learned so much here and still have so much to learn here.
Shred bubs.
Wound up shredding DTSD with Larue and the bubs. We were rolling down 5th Avenue and we came across The Field, and I couldn't help but treat the bubs to a round of Guinness and three fingers of whisky for myself! 
Then everyone was loose and giddy. The smiles on this pic are awesome.
Chase took a spill. It happens.
The time honored tradition of school yard skating.
Big switch ollie.
Low lighting equals dark photo.
I was moving around with low success.
There will be blood.
Cheers! I got a street clip this day!


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