The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mandatory Bloggery- Meaty Metloaf and Old Sleds

Hope your hungry...
I know I am...
Here we have handsome-paws checking in.
Alrighty, how to make a meatloaf, the EATFIEND way!
Step 1. Dice up a clove of garlic and a whole onion.
Step 2. Caramelize in bacon grease. Yea, that's right I said bacon grease.
Step 3. Line you baking receptacle with bacon.
Step 4. Crack open a beer and contemplate if there is such a thing as "too much bacon".
Then add more bacon.
Step 5. Dice up some jalapenos. Real nice like.
Step 6. Dump lean ground beef into a bowl.
Step 7. Crush up a whole roll of Ritz crackers.
Mama always said "A little breading makes the meal go further."
Step 8. Dump crushed Ritz crackers onto lean ground beef and add salt and pepper.
Step 9. Crack two large eggs and mix with your hands. Add jalapenos and preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Step 10. Find every ketchup packet in the pantry and kitchen.
Step 11. Fill baking receptacle with lean ground meat.
Step 12. Cover with strips of bacon.
Step 13. Slather in ketchup. Toss into the oven for 50 minutes.
Step 14. Enjoy the good things in life.
Step 15. Bake some potato's while yer at it.
Greasy cheesey taters!
Bacon got a bit seared and I'm alright with that. Gave it a smokey flavor.
Built a grease barrier outta bread for it.
Asparagus, gotta have them green vitamins in there too.

Found this gem going down the YouTube rabbit-hole.
The days harvest.
Anti Hero, Jeff Grosso Bondage Jesus and Santa graphic by Todd Francis.
Jason Jessee
My little furry helper.
Another batch.
Girl Skateboards sure has done some rad stuff.
Made from reclaimed beach woods. This is amazing.
Benny's Mexican Food
I love the carne-asada nachos.
The stoke is out there!


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