Been working my tail off and have found myself up past midnight with the urge to make a blog...
Or a "photo dump" as some people call it...
This whole blog is one giant dump...
The Larb has setup a BandCamp and I'm totally digging it.
Shitty music rules.
Lets go back to the month of January..... A simpler time...
Lets Skate Dude! I love skatepark shart.
Mookal flying high.
Gotta love those SD sunsets.
The bub Q Perez is good!
Sons of Satan
Love it.
Went for a walk the other night and was getting into taking pics with my "night filter" mode.
Made a friend.
Love that furry chest!
Another job another sweaty dollar earned.
Crazy trails on the morning ride to work. Somewhere out in East county.
Breakfast of champs!
Rising moon.
Miss you Tim!
Lunch of champions.
Heavy vannin' crew.
Picture me rolling.
Dreamy camping setup.
Sunday ride.
Rapist van.
Makes me wish I had the cabbage to throw away on a rolling money pit.
Igby loves bags and boxes. He always has to establish that whatever he fits in, he sits in.
Fur baby.
I got alotta' work ahead of me.
Looks like road kill.
For the bub Stewart.
More breakfast of champions. I just really love bacon and eggs.
I also love spicy chicken tenders.
Grip peeling party.
Toy Machine rules.
8 years ago.
Slave Skateboards
Love me a good Ben Horton graphic.
Peeling grip and finding beautiful works of art underneath.
This was a fun board. After cracking it, it was time to mill it.
All hail Cardiel.
Mellow concave.
Sid Melvin
Flirting with Disney.
My friend Morgan bought me this maybe 15 years ago.
Its still good.
Tossing all my dvd cases.
It's called fashion sweety, perhaps you've heard of it.
Brian Lotti rig.
Where the wild things were...
Speaking of wild things I caught this little bugger eating in my neighbors garden.
I didn't stop him.
It was a Luigi's Pizza kinda night.
Spicy white girl.
Oldie but a goodie.
Cheers to my babe!
Loving the Wu-Tang sweats.
Love me a good BLT.
Box kitty.
I felt this what photo worthy.
Life goes on...
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