Been lagging on getting all of these pics up. Been eating so much good food! Here we go...
PrivateHamBone went to Fiesta Market and picked up 3 lbs. of chicken wings, now its on!
For those of you that don't know how chicken is prepped, you basically chop off the tip of the wing (far left) and the two pieces on the right are where all of the good meat is!
Mix up some Bisquick for some batter.
PrivateHamBone mixed up some spices, garlic and seasoning.
While I prepped the frying station.
A chicken eating a chicken?
All breaded up and ready for the deep fryer.
Let them bird wings sizzle in some peanut oil. Thats what Chick-Fil-A uses and there chicken taste delicous!
Fried goodness!
Then you soak them suckers in some hot ass hot sauce. Franks Red Hot has been all the rage lately.
We made some green wings too! Mixed some Butt Burner with some butter.
Gettin' green in the red bowl.
Going.... going.....
Gone! Only a plate left to go! Alson cooked up some french fries and dumped parmesan cheese all over 'em.
What does deep fried bacon taste like you ask?....
Probably some of the best bacon I've ever had.
Anybody ever have Scotch-Eggs before? Soft boil an egg then wrap the whole thing in ground sausage.
Bread that bastard up with some italian style bread crumbs
Throw it in the deep frier and presto!
If you can make em with the eggs still being runny then you did a good job.
Then add bacon and consume!
Butterface was present drinking some new blue flavored 4Loko.
Later on as the beer mashed with the creativity side of my brain, I decided to wrap a hot wing in bacon and fry it.
Had to put some skewers through it to keep the bacon on it.
Ironically my bacon wrapped hot wing kinda looked like a pig. It tasted delicous.
Later on I ended up with Capt.Baldy in the man cave listening to classical music and contemplating the craft of Larbism.
-Sgt. Baconator