Before we get started I found this photo Jeff sent me and it's the birthplace of the "Par-Carty". Basically Jeff's old roommate bought a piece of shit Toyota Celica that didn't run and parked it in Jeff's parking space for what seemed like months. So naturally being skateboarders and having a general distaste for property that wasn't ours we began skating the bumper, kicking the side mirrors when we would drunkenly walk by and eventually ended up having full blown parties of just the four us (since it was unlocked) that Hans ended up calling a "Par-Carty"! You can see how the times were then: Red Sox won the World Series, I had no beard, and Cos was still semi-sober enough to be considered a designated driver......
Anywho... Back to present time, we head to the Ould Sod to wet our whistles.
Guinness on draft has an effect on me that will keep me calm, collective and cool. Just an overall real good feeling about you. Some people say that it fills ya up too much, but I say nay!
Capt.Stinky was there to grace us with his presence. I swear this dude should move to Hollywood and be a James Hettfield stand-in.
The larb of the hour. On his birthday
Cheers Bub!
Down the hatch.
In case you don't know about the Ould Sod; it's located on 3373 Adams Avenue. Nice little cozy bar, dark, has booths and Monday/Wednesdays are the best! Plus free juke box!
Is that PrivateHamHock? Or is it a fixture in the wall?
The bar tender was nice enough to hook me up with my 3rd Guinness for free! Thus saving me a quarter.
Larb on a budget! Yep, Im nippin' some Jager in the bathroom. Unbeknownst to my fellow Larbs.
Capt. Bald givin' me the sneer.
After the bar closed we contemplated a game plan.
Capt.Stink said good nite for the night. Im gonna put this pic on his tombstone 'cuz it pretty much sums him up.
Oh shit! LordBlah and I stopped by 7-11 for some nachos! Beavis and Butthead style.
LordBlah approves of all food when he's drunk.
I could care less. Thats why we call ourselves EatFiends.
We didn't even make it outta' the parking lot before we greedly chowed down on thems nachos like zombies would savagely feast on brains! BRRRAAAAIIIINNNSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!
LordBlah had to piss.
We made it back to Larb H.Q. aka the Men Cave. Gotta do a mandatory 3a.m. renegade!
Got a beer pong table in the Man Cave now. Straight up picked it out of the garbage. Perfect!
LordBlah vs......
His buddy Jake. I don't really remember who won, but who cares.
The next morning I saw the new Creature commercial and it spoke to me in a purple haze kind of way. Then when I saw this image it pretty much summed up how I felt that morning.
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