The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Good Times Are Killing Me. X-Mas/New Years Eat Part 2

Ya can't keep a tough Larb down. The show must go on. Hungover are you? Thats alright, just hair-of-the-dog it and get back on the horse. A nice long post here for you fiending to fiend.
Commander 'N' Beef is present!
 Remember when I mentioned a chili cook-off? Well its about to happen.
 I decided to go for a meaty and hot chili. Thats what chili is supposed to be right? CommanderNBeef and PrivateHamBoner didn't agree. They went into a mind blowing direction of being completely creative and trying something new. For me however it was my first time making chili. Two cans of kidney beans, one can of tomato paste, one pound of beef chorizo, a whole chopped onion and a shit load of diced tomatoes.  
 You can bet yer ass I'm makin' bacon!
 Thats me on the far right. CommanderNBeef on the far left. He made a crazy chicken and chocolate chili. Private HamBone in the middle which he made a chili that tasted alot like shepherds pie. Stinky however disagreed and told him his "chili tasted like canned food".
 Checked back on the bacon. Lookin good.

 Buttered bread and chili. So damn good. Stinky was kind enough to tell me that if it were a competition, my chili would have won. Yay! First time cookin' chili and I knocked it outta' the park!
 Don't remember when I took this, but it appears that late in the evening I was enjoying some Wendy's and Futurama. Bender is the shit!
 Headed to the Korean market with Comm.Beef on a prep. mission for New Years Eat!
 Picked up 3lbs. of carne for the festival of gluttony!

 Comm.Beef bought a couple of gallons of peanut oil to get the deep fryer goin'.

 But first we gotta drink up an appetite. Food just tastes so much better when yer drunk.
 Prep and cut some meat, check.
 Stocked 'fridge with more meat and beer, check.
 Bananas secret N.C.S. and some lil' smokey appetizers cooked in b.b.q. sauce and brown sugar, check.
 Gotta batter up that chicken with some japanese bread crumbs and hot sauce, check.
 In the words of Artie Lange: "FIRE!!!"

 Careful. When the lids off, that bitch will spit at you.
 Homemade chicken wings. Now its on. 
 One of many birds I consumed.

 Dump a shit load of Franks Red Hot on the birds and you got yerself some gooder ass hot wings!
 PrivateHamBone's tasty cheezy sticks.
 PrivateLeatherface showed up for a quick 'brew.
 Meanwhile, we gotta start the grillin"!
 Bbq or Die!
 Some cooked steaks, hot wings, green wings, fried pickles and.......
 Fried twinkies! Always wanted to try one at the Del Mar fair but refuse to pay $5 for one. Tasted delicous, but Im not too big on sweets. Maybe next time I'll wrap it in bacon.

 Yes! SmokingTurtles is in the house!
Satanic salad was what he brought to New Years Eat.
 Im such a lucky guy I found a bottle of Infinium in my stocking. For those of you that aren'y aware of Infinium, it's made by Samuel Adams and its basically there version of an Oktoberfest type of beer. Tasted great in my opinion. 

 This is where I blacked out. A few minutes after the birth of 2012.

 It definitely proved to be a successful night. 
 Didn't know it but Comm.Beef had a book published on grilling.

 A couple of days later I come home to a fully cooked turkey by PrivateHamBone.
 They are good for you. 
 In case you guys didn't know. The poor mans bottle bong works. Give it a shot.
 Had a birthday party for LordBlah. A real shitfest consisting of lots of beer pong in the menden and a shit load of metal music.
 Couple of days later I went to the Typical Culture 3 Year Anniversary jam @ WSVT.
The skating that went down was insane. Wish you were beer.


 Incase nobody knows what the inside of the port-o-potty looks like a WSVT, heres a good look. I gotta be honest. The pungent smell in this shit shack was enough to make yer average man cry. Which was crazy 'cuz a bunch of girls were goin' in and out of it to do bumps of booger sugar. 
Went to O.B. park yesterday to sweat out my hangover and I saw a Larb sticker on one of the fence posts. Fuck yea! Check out if you guys want to know who originated The Larb or to simply learn more about Larbism.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Travis, no pictures of shit on the blog you disgusting fuck!
