The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dude gets drunk....

I'm no stranger to taking shots, renegading beers, 
shotgunning beers, beer bongs, double beer bongs, bottle bongs,
kegstands, beer pong, beer checkers 
and all kinds of other fun ways to drink your drink of choice.

But this is some new level shit.

I don't really know how I feel about this.
I personally love the taste of beer.
Feel free to comment.
 Any of you scientists out there wanna explain how this is possible, that'd be great too.




  1. Commander-in-beef here...

    Yeah, I've got a science degree, so here it is.

    Alcohol is a volatile substance, meaning it evaporates just like water, which is why vodka smells like fucking turpentine. When he pressurizes it with the pump, then depressurizes it by pulling the cork out, it pulls some of the alcohol out of the booze into its gas phase (meaning ethanol, the kind of alcohol that gets you drunk, is floating around above the drink as well as dissolved in it).

    Since he was doing it with carbonated beverages (except for the box of wine), he was also getting a huge fucking hit of Carbon Dioxide, which probably made him woozy and panicky.

    He's a dumbass for a few reasons.

    For one, instead of slowly soaking in through his digestive system, the alcohol was going into his lungs, then directly into his bloodstream, so he was getting drunk immediately. I would say it's dangerous, but I'm skeptical about how much alcohol he even pulled out of the drinks with his bike pump.

    Two, he said he wanted to avoid calories, but alcohol has more calories (7 Cal/gram) than both carbs and protein, so the only thing he was bypassing was the sugar in the drinks, which if he's that concerned about... Just drink liquor and diet sodas or straight booze. Since it went into his bloodstream, his liver and brain digested it the same as if he had drunk it.

    Anyway, don't do that shit.


  2. Thanks college boy. That shit looks sketchy.

