The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Duffmans 10 Year Pro Party/Dudes Nite Out

We all went out with our skateboards in hand planning to skate...
...the TWS indoor skatepark. How foolish we were to not know the force of the Larb was strong this evening... 
Unfortunately, or fortunately it quickly turned into Dudes Nite Out. The mood was right and the price was right.
These are a few pics of my black-out-fun evening at Duffman's party. 
 10 fucking years! Fuck yea Corey.
 The event was held at Transworld Skateboarding Headquraters and was sponsored 
by Arrogant Bastard Ale. Free fucking beer! Giving free beer to a mass horde of skateboarders is 
like pouring gasoline on a dragons flaming vagina. Yer gonna get flames squirted all over yer face!
 It was also sponsored by Bull Taco. As in free chicken and beef tacos!
I ate like 5 or 6. ItWasTheLight put a few away too.
Jimmy Carlin was there. Explaining fakie big heelflips for Gary Rogers.
I missed it, but I guess Jimmy was animatedly telling a story, waving his hands
around only to smack Sean Conover's beer into his face. Chipping his teeth.
Bummed I missed that. 
 Did I mention there was free beer?
 These dudes have logged many a hour together on the 'ol VX.
 Yea Larue! This dude has been ripping.
 BornRetard posing with Duffman and some boards he probably silk-screened over the years.
 Dave pays tribute to the Duffman.
 BornRetard looking dumb as ever as we plastered stickers all over his back.
 Gary Rogers from Skateline did a funny episode on Duffmans career.
Watch it here.
 Later, after the beer ran out at the party, we hit the gas station to get some road sodas.
 I was walking back to the car only to find BornRetard 
getting choked by Larue. I was not surprised since BornRetard is
very capapble of getting anyone to do this without even talking about it.
 That boy needs a good chokin'!
You can't see it, but BornRetard has an erection.
 Old creepy Cos sittin' all by his lonesome.
What do you think he is thinking about?
My guess would be tits with mustard gooping off them.
What a creep.
 Starring at the fuckin' ground.
 Don't remember how this happened, but Roy fell on ramp.
 This kid rips. Memo homie!
It was a great time bub. Thanks for the good times and the stellar skate career you 
have given us so far.

Oh yea, I almost forgot. 
BornRetard got beat up by this girl friend that night and lost his cell phone at the bar.
Better him than me.



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