The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mandatory Bloggery- Chicken Chili and Poker

Poker night is probably my favorite post day tradition...
Biscuit lurking.
AT&T U Verse search engine cracks me up every time.
He sure does love them trees.
Handsome looking fucker.
While Biscuit roamed the garden, I harvested a bunch of produce from the garden to get started on the chili. I'm psyched I grew all of this shit.
Don't have any crushed red pepper flakes, but I do have a shit load of packets from getting pizza delivered. Busted all of these fuckers open and had more than enough.
Boiling some sweet corn.
Chopped to hell green onions.
Even as I write this, my plants are still popping out cherry tomatoes like crazy!
Fresh basil from the window sill, as seen in the first pic of this blog.
Red pepper flakes.
More spices.
Shaved the corn off the cob.
With about 3 pounds of chicken breast.
Usually when I make chilli, I like to mix it up with the bean section. Here, I'm dumping in a can of garbonzo beans. I think I like the name more than the bean itself.
One big ass onion, coming right up!
So I threw in all of the green onions and tomatoes and liquified that shit.
Cuisinart blenders are so good the job was done in about 40 seconds.
Dumped all of that shit into the pot.
Chicken was looking good as fuck.
Chopped all of that chicken up.
Football was killing it as well. Go Pats!
Fucking amazing.
You know I had a bowl during poker time.
As usual, the competition was fierce.
Things were getting blurry.
Tournament ended. Time to blow more money playing cash games.
Not sure what the fuck we were playing here.
Sasquatch sighting.
Garage panorama shot. "No electronic devices at the poker table, please."
Craigosaur always leaves a happy man. Can't keep this crazy shiny diamond down.



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