The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mandatory Bloggery- Travesura at Soda Bar, North Park; San Diego

The bub and his band Travesura came into town recently and played a show at Soda Bar...
The last time they played in San Diego I was so excited I blacked out before the show and broke a few windows in blind delight. Unfortunately, others in my clan didn't feel the same. 
So naturally, I was hellbent on seeing them perform this time around. 
Instagram post. 
Gotta swing by the bank first! The Larb needs his drinking money after all.
Shattered dreams.
This is what a hobos dreams are made of...
Mandatory tri-tip.
Not sure why the pics in the blog are a little pixalated. I need a new fucking phone.
3G my fucking ass.

Tri tip sandwich with potato salad on it.
$10 cover charge to see the band play, an old class mate Mike Delgado was there. Coincidentally, Leo Romero first major video part was in Foundations "That's Life" and he skated to a band called "The Moving Units", which is a band Mike Delgado plays bass in.
Small fucking world.
That's Life
A couple of witty remarks and jokes there and then they were jamming.
Don't really know how to describe their sound, kinda like Bob Dylan with some blue grass roots meets Tom Waitts.
Love this song.
Drinking multiple shots of Fireball and chugging Racer 5 like it was going outta style. What could go wrong?
Sexy mutha fucka screaming his lungs out!
Somebody was tickling the ivorys.
Great time. I was digging it.
Old timey sit down guitarist.
Taking photos of people taking photos.
Panorama shot.
A real blast.
Hipster boots and drum set shot. Very North Park.
Killed it.
Glad I finally got to see them play. 
The look on Leos face says it all. I was definitely smelling a bit ripe.
Then HurricaneHeman came out. 

Bye Felicia.



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