The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mandatory Bloggery- Pool Riding and Drinkin' & Stinkin'

Putting in alot of time at the bowl as of late...
 ItWasTheLight killing it behind the lens. Or should I say behind a big ass remote control with a view finder. It was rad despite the pool dust that would get blown into our eyes. Fuggit.
 NastyNeil and his courage juice. This bub and his American ass Vans are old skool.
 Dudes were even on the roof! At one point I counted 9 cameras rolling. Catching the action. A pool in North Park this good is very rare.
 Respect the Dolphin!
 So sick. The video even made it onto Hella Clips Instagram.
 BK demo! Slashing around, frontside and backside. Awesome to watch.
 Hitting all them walls.
 Bails in this thing were commonly a must.
  Just chillin'. Not like we own the place or anything.
 Morning hype. 
 Morning work grinds.
 Committing a hungover bang-bang with none other than WormTits.
I do most of my eating with that guy.
Couldn't find the eating montage, but you get the idea.
 I was there strictly for the orange chicken.
 It's legit. Located on University and Texas. Next to Olympic Greek Cafe.
 Bang-Bang! Wendy's Baconator. That's how we role. Oh yea, there's fucking won tons in there too.
 Haven't seen this movie since I was a kid. Always though it was Bruce Willis that played "Harley", but it ended up being Mickey Rourke. So fucking rad to watch this movie.
Found this on YouTube. Pretty bad ass opening montage. I suggest you give it a watch. Maybe find it on Netflix.
 Another day, hot dog party.
 Potential Halloween costume.
 Seared Ahi tuna. This stuff is so good. Brigantine restaurant in Point Loma.
 Sausage party.
 Fast forward to a beer run at the local gas station.
 Directly under a bridge.
 Talking about life and watching the cars whiz by, getting more and more drunk.
 Light assistance by ItWasTheLight! Thanks for being on hobo watch. I was completely fucked off.
 We killed the twelver and went back for more.
 Satan skates the pool too.
Night moves.



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