The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Mandatory Bloggery- The Skate Gods Are In Our Favor

Find it, bail it, shred it.
That's what fucking went down here at EatFiendHQ.
As I mentioned in a previous M.B., NastyNeil showed me this gem just half a block from my house.
Made by North Hollywoods, Blue Haven pools.
Apparently if you wanna shred a so-Cal pool, yer gonna want to shred a Blue Haven.
Then again, I'm new to this pool game. What the fuck do I know?
Had a random weekday off and decided to get this party going, solo style! Armed with a rope, a bucket and a ice cold Gatorade. Skate Spot Liberation Army would be proud of me!
Only a couple feet of water. I should be shredding it by night fall, right?
DIY is the way to do it these days. I was alone and paranoid that a neighbor or a cop would roll on me. Plus the fact that a helicopter was doing circles in the sky didn't help relieve any of my anxiety. After all, I am trespassing.
One bucket at a time, I started hauling them up. Notice the lil' fishy on the right hand side of the bucket? That's right, this water had been there so long, it had lil' fishy's in it. This pool don't give zero fucks about no damn drought.
The water smelled like shit and it was tiresome hauling up bucket after bucket. Once I hit 50 buckets I was so proud of myself, I made the commitment to haul a 100 buckets!
Once I started to see my progress I was fucking hyped! The water level was slowly draining bucket after bucket. Little did I know I was filling myself with pride and stoke.
I reached 200 buckets and even though I was completely exhausted, I was super fucking stoked! The lesson that I was learning, is that bailing apool is really hard work. Not to mention I was solo.
With blisters on my hands I started to wander around and found this lying in a pile of garbage. Score! I considered it a good omen from The Skate Gods.
It was time to call in the cavalry.
The next day I put out a white flag on Instagram to some of the bubs and Pacific Drive's finest CaptLarue and THooker showed up to join in on the cause.
This ain't the first time THooker bailed a pool before, that's why he brought along a pool pump and a generator!
Once that generator started humming (it was super quiet), the water started pumping out! I was getting hyped!
This was also Larue's first time bailing out a pool. We were getting our cherries popped together!
Then the waiting game started...
.....And more help arrived! Typical Cultures finest, Dowdy came along with some extra help! You know that if their is a pool around, Dowdy will find it.
Within 30 minutes the pool pump had already done the amount of work I did in 2 hours. See the water level dropping? Stoked!
James Truesdale and Josh Stafford also showed up and immediately got to workin'! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!
Everybody was paranoid about slipping in the mucky sludge, thankfully nobody fell in. The Skate Gods were in our favor...
Then the bubs were having a conversation about how "good" the coping was. All I saw was some crusty ass coping. Shows how spoiled I am these days with all the park coping out there these days.
ItWasTheLight and Q showed up to give a helping hand too! Water just kept on pumping out!
Waiting for stoke...
Speaking of fucking stoke!.... Mr BladerHater himself. All hail The Larb.
People were motivated.
Everybody took turns holding the hose or shoveling out stinky sludge as the water level dropped.
Dowdy on broom detail.
Dowdy on Hype Train detail!
We used old scrap wood laying around for better footing. Shit was getting slippery.
We only worship the Skate Gods...
Fucking getting their!
See the dolphin?
Hope I'm still venturing out for pools and ripping as hard as Salba is at age 50...
Q on the hose detail.
Then THooker. Note the cinder blocks in the pool for traction. One wrong step and yer smelling like sludgy shit.
Dowdy ain't afraid to get dirty.
The day pressed on and we made progress. Then Dowdy and his crew had to bail for other engagements.
The energy level was a little low at this point, moral had taken a hit due to the loss of man-power. That's when I grabbed my trusty rope and bucket and started hauling out buckets of sludge.
Then the bubs followed suit. We had come so far! We will not be defeated.
This pool is ours!
THooker had the best mentality. "Only 20 more buckets to go, boys!"
Twenty buckets of sludge later, THooker would say "We're almost there! Only twenty more buckets to go!"
It was a real hoot.
THooker is the real fucking deal. Just like his skating, he is not afraid to put in some real hard work.
We finally hit the bottom. It reminded me of Kevin Costner's "WaterWorld".
"I've seen dry land..."
Can't wait for this bub to turn pro. He deserves it, a true skate rat thru and thru!
Went back to my pad for some food and a smoke break while the pool dried out. I was actually a bit pessimistic, due to our diminishing sunlight I thought that the pool wouldn't be dry enough to shred.
Love this Lurker...
I was wrong and glad I was!
A little more sweeping and she was ready to go!
The bubs were kind enough to wait for me to get the first carve over the dolphin. It felt really good relishing in the fruits of our labor and having the mutual love/respect from your peers.
ItWasTheLight getting some dolphin carves in too!
Another dolphin cave!

Inside the mind of ItWasTheLight, melt yer fucking brain!
So much fun.
Getting artsy.
Larue with a good looking push carve. Can't wait to see the photo Tosh Rice shot.

THooker had to go to class, but he just couldn't get away he was having so much fun.
Frontside carve over the dolphin by NastyNeil.
NastyNeil showed up (whom hadn't skated in 2 years due to the injury bug), and carved over light backside first try. The bubs were stoked and Neil had a huge smile across his face.
I truly feel that skateboarding is the best fucking thing ever!
What more could a bub ask for? The sun was setting and we were shredding having a great time!
Now we have a kick ass pool to shred at any time we want. Gonna shred this thing as much as I can.
Here today, gone tomorrow they say...

There were even warm beers in this old ass mini 'fridge!
The Skate Gods were in our favor...



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