The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Mandatory Bloggery- Twisted Pretzel & Kill Skateboarding 4

Kind of a short blog today....
But that's okay! Here is what's goin on... At least to me, this is what's going on...

Do ye like dags?
Rotisserie chicken, salad kit and some grape juice.
There she is...
Piech playing Pai Gow.
David Hodge
Neil's dream coffee table.
Twisted pretzel. This was at Toronado. I hear the place is shutting down.
"Cool Ranch"
Crazy for Crazee Burger.
She's all finished. 
All of the cutting boards I make now will be made of 6 skate decks instead of 5. 
This maximizes the width use of my Dewalt wood planer.
Beauty ain't she?
I'm a wood guy....
I can take a hint.


Monday, March 2, 2020

Mandatory Bloggery- Heavy Recycled Skateboards Grindage (I THROW NOTHING AWAY)

Welcome back to another blog by yers truly...
Been grinding away a bunch lately. If your a wood nerd, yer gonna love this one...

I'll grind in the night, I don't care.
Night moves...
Before the glue-up.
For Will.
Love me some strips of walnut.

Will's board after the glue-up and before the planing process.

Will is a die-hard Padres fan.

Old skool Pad's colors.

Routed the rails...

Screwed up routing out this juice groove. Bummed me out but it was a hurdle I had to hop over.
Lots and lots of sanding...
Routed out...
Plaining it out.
After the planing.
Before the planing.
For Beth...
The process....
Will Farrell.
Squad goals.
Hungry dawg.
Double screw up. In the exact same spot on two slabs.

Double whoops. Needless to say, I was frustrated.

The time had come to do some repair-work.

First, I had to cut off the railing that was screwed up...

The I grabbed a piece of scrap I had (I throw nothing away), squared it off and prepped it to be the new railing!

Then I used my new Ryobi "biscuit-jointer" to cut into the slab...

Then I used the biscuit-jointer to cut into the scrap-rail...

Fill with Titebond glue and plug in the "biscuits"!

Then the clamping process...... Now we wait 24 hours for the glue to dry.

The next day I was successful at re-routing the railing and I sanded the Hell outta it.

Love how the horizontal railing looks.

Leather strap handles made by my bub Brandon Oak's! AKA @roamleathergoods.

What a beauty.

So, through my mistake I learned how to perform a successful repair.
I was stoked and so was Beth!

Next project was to perform a little bit of surgery on this little knot in one of the plye's of wood.
Fun fact: A single ply of hardrock maple wood is th's of an inch.

Paper thin piece of skateboards from trimming.

Filled the hole with glue...

Stuffed a couple of pieces in the empty space.

Sanded to perfection. The highlight of blur smack dab in the middle of a all plain maple strip is rad!
I was once again stoked to leap over another hurdle.

The bub Jamie Palmore hit me up for a commission order.
I was pumped for a new challenge.

JP the STEE!
There's a reason he has that nickname and it's 'cuz of his buttery style. Bub has a nice deep bag of tricks too. Big fan!

I liked the color scheme of this one.

Planed out and squared off and it was time to find my center.

See whats going on here?

Not perfect, but not too bad for routing without a jig.

Free hand!
So sick, I forgot to get a pic of it with some finish on it.
I see faces! My palm-sander looks tired.
More to come!

Next project! Wasn't a fan of this color-way for a slab, so I decided to make it into a tray.

The process....
Looks much better. Now it's time to sand away.....

Another one!
Sanded out and finished!
My signature.

'Til next time!...