The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Mandatory Bloggery- Jerry Lives! Recycled Skateboard Glue-Ups, Tim's Poker Night

More content for who knows why......
I miss going to the bar during the day for a sippy-poo...
This is somewhere right around post New Year's day...
Night vibes with the bubs! Cheers to ya'all!
Marc went and bought himself that triple nacho-boat from Taco Bell.
Made his gut hurt the moment he finished it.
Shrimp cocktail anyone?
Night time glue-ups.
The oozing ooey gooey.
Another glue-up. For the bub Stewart.
I dig the Skittles colorway with the black walnut.
I got a whole bunch of comic books.
Breakfast of champions.
Jerry lives!
The bub Buster.
Saturday mornings at Coronado Skatepark for 19 years...
Love me a good vanity plate.
Love these smelly stinkers.
Thanks Mayo for the snacks!
I helped this kitty cross the street.
But I only have eyes for this kitty!
Love you Cody!
Piech the grump.
We had a poker party at a hotel for our bub Timmy.
I need a robe.
Desert morning.
Timmy had a fun bachelor party.
Fat Boys Deli. Love this place.
This was a special project that was commisioned to me. Can't wait to show y'all how it turned out!
My friend Morgan picked out these colors.
All ready for the wood planer!


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Mandatory Bloggery-December 31st New Years Party and Peeling Grip Into 2020

Hey there, ho there, hi there.....
How's everybody coping with this Covid-19 pandemic going?
I hope everyone out there is safe and health, to your loved ones as well. With that being said (Larry David), this shit is driving me bonkers.....
Now that I have that thought off my chest lets go back to a simpler time...... These are the days leading up to new years eve! Take your mind off shit and enjoy some stupid bloggers pictures and rants.
I keep seeing this truck. Now I want an old beater bucket of bolts to get shit done.
I love nude bathroom art.
Got invited to a New Years Eve party!
It was setup real nice!
Decorated with candles and dip and an outside 'fridge stocked with adult beverages!
Pot roast dinner was friggin' amazing. 
Backyard had a chicken coop.
Goes to prove that you don't need a big gnarly kitchen to make amazing tasting food.
We had a good 'ol time. Even put on a collard shirt! The wife as usual, always looking amazing.
Give this a watch...
Remember this thing? I bought some Brassco to shine it up and take the years of varnish off.
I sanded the hell outta it. It gunk'd up a few sanding pads from the years of grease and patine.
Waited maybe 30 minutes before I wiped it off...
Came out clean! Got the head back on her body.
And put a couple of coats of conditioner on it to bring out the natural pine (I presume its pine).
I love Greek food. Spiro's Gyro's always provides!
Christmas time in Coronado, CA.
I actually went to the beach and caught a sunset.
I like this picture.
Sunsets at the Skatepark too. Miss this place.
It was Figgy's birthday the other day. I like the way he skates.
Breakfast vibes... I love bacon.
All hail...
Dane Brady is another good skater. 
Polar has some sick graphics too!
I personally don't like to leave the manufacturer sticker under the grip.
Love the way this bub pushes wood too!
Duffman has a YouTube channel. Go subscribe!
When it dries it's all rock hard. 
I hate scraping.
The colors man, the colors.....
Top graphic.
I slip up every now and then. It's those damn Frenchfries.
But an EF has gotta do what an EF has gotta do. 2020 was supposed to be looking up at this point, right? Wrong....
Enjoy while you can.