The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Mandatory Bloggery- San Diego Zoo "Festival of Lights" & YouTube Entertainment

Guess that means the last time I blogged was right around the time Covid-19 pandemic started to take ahold of my livlehood, social life, happiness and sanity.....
Fuckin' Corona-virus...
Anyway, this might be a short blog but let's go back to last year.
Somewhere around December. (I'm far behind blogging)
Just lurking around the San Diego Zoo with babe and taking some photos with the night-filter on my Google phone.
This guy was chilling. I like reptiles. They just chill and wait 'til the food arrives.
"The snake stood up for Evil in the garden." -Robert Frost
These guys looked pretty cool under the heat lamps.
Pretty active at night I suppose.
Digging the shadow.
Fuzzy little bugger would rip my face off if I got too close.
Predatory bird.
Festivl of lights.
Simpler times compared to right now.
The cheese stands alone.
Pretty kitty wouldn't look at me long enough to get a good shot.
Sitting there it was up to my theigh.
Maybe it was hump-day, who knows.
Big kitty!
Took a ride on the chair-lift.
Balboa Park at night.
This guy is so sick.
Reviving this old serving board.
Filled with years of patine and grease.
All sanded up! Tune in next blog to see what's going on here...

For all you skate-nerds out there.

For all you metal heads out there.

For my potheads out there...
Fuck Covid-19


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