The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Mandatory Bloggery- Bacon Wrap Insanity / Larbsgiving 2018

Larbsgiving was a good one. Thanks to everybody that came out and broke bread with yer bub. 
Love you all!
Guess who?
Cody, kickflip nose skidder.
These two love each other.
Wet the old whistle at the Oulde Sod on Adams avenue.
Love this place.
Warming up leftover moosh in the wee hours of the evening.
Making friends in low places.
What a handsome feller.
Free range kitty.
Big Kitchen never let's me down.
Signs of the Larb, everywhere.
BBQ buddy.
Boston pork butt. Bone in.
Love this little guy.
She is looking good!
Sausage roll time! We don't half step on Larbsgiving!
Night shots!
He's not supposed to be out in the yard at night, but I couldn't resist taking some night pics.
I give to you 16 hour slow cooked corned beef brisket infused with Spaghetti-O's!
I'm a friggin' genius, this was so delicious.
Bacon wrap time!
Step one: Make a weave!
step two: Add asparagus.
step three: Add mozzarella. 
step four: Pep it up with some pepperoni.
step five: Add jalapenos.
step six: Add a few table spoons of marinara sauce, just to keep it moist inside.
step seven: Make sure to wrap it up before tossing in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bean dip. Make sure to put a base of cheese at the bottom of the bowl before you dump them steamy frijoles on top.
It was a solid night and everyone left with a full belly.
Baked to perfection.
Garnish with mozzarella on top, and melt it briefly in the oven.
Step eight: slice up like sushi and enjoy!
We know how to cook a feast!
Greasy goodness.
We even had some tamales covered in steamy oozy Spaghetti-O's!
Boston butt had a nice crust to it.
Just add bbq sauce.
Baked to perfection.


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