The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Mandatory Bloggery- Hanging at PD, Nado Park Halloween BBQ-Boo!Tacular, Skating w/ Arty and Lurking in Pine Valley

Back at it. Been busy with other projects. Trying to not neglect my beloved blog, the flame that will never go out....
Caught a beer with my babe at Hamiltons Tavern. This night just so happened to be there 12th anniversary!
New whip! Handmade by the bub, Arturo AKA Arty Skates!
Watson Wood, hand made in the USA!
The sleepy bub has been through alot... Thankfully, he is doing better now.
When drinking beer and eating ice cream takes you down the rabbit hole of grip a fresh sled.
A stretched out.
Morning vibes.
I like to document the sleds on the wall of the skate shops I go into.
Especially when the bub Larue is working.
Gotta get me a Lupfer board!
So random. I dig it.
Dylan forever. Only the good die young.
Fuck cancer.
Wall hanger. Congrats again on turning pro, bub!
Holyyyyyyyyyyy sheeeeeeeeeit!
Shout out to the bub, Trevor Ward. He made it into 'Photograffiti' in Thrasher Magazine!
Decided I need to treat my temple of a body to a nice white-girl dinner.
So seasoned, pan-grilled chicken breast it is!
Got really white-girl with it...
All chopped up and ready to go.
Pan seared potato's, broccoli, garlic, onion and yellow bell pepper.
Pine Valley lurking and working.
What the fuck is that?
Grilled salmon salad. This meal made me feel like I was dieting for a marathon.
Support your local tamale lady!
Scraping boards.
Chima! Australia's finest.
More home cooking.
More cat photos. Deal with it.
I find it funny that they used the word "Natties".
Flyer I did for the Coronado Skatepark.
I likes to doodles.
Video hype for the kids.
My mom's style is on fire.
'Nuff said.
Very spoooky!
Prizes for the kids. I try to hook 'em up real nice.
Best costume!!!
Shout out to all the kids that came out to support the event!
Shout out to Pacific Drive, Chris Larue and Branden Keaveny for their generous donations.
Beautiful moth.
Love this video and watch it pretty regularly.
I also eat pizza on the regs, too!
Light as a feather, stiff as a board....
Scratched grinds with the bub, Arty.
WSVT! Stay on!
Blurred vision.
Shout out to all the hard workers that poured blood, sweat and beers into this place.
Every inch of it.
Bacon party.
All decked out for Halloween.
Need to go back. 
Love me some chicken catsu. Need! to go back.
Spot check at Camp Pendleton.
Caulking is messy business.
My little man. A.M. vibes.
Facetime all the time.
I didn't try any of these. But I was intrigued by it.
Don't get me wrong.
If you put a bowl of these in front of me, I definitely give it a whirl.
But I'm old skool!
Give me strength.
I find comfort in trees.
Coming in hot!
I like the paintings.
Makes me wish I had a burger in my mit, right now.
Spot check somewhere in East county.
Next to a Jack In the Box.
Off the 8 freeway.
"Whatchoo lookin at hooman?"
I always throw fruit in my candy bowl for trick-or-treaters. Suprisingly, the banana went pretty quick this year.
Pumpkin carving time!
Anna carved a spooky one!
Me as Bob from the hit show "Bob's Burger's".
Marc made himself a homemade stick-of-butter costume! Very creative.
Happy Halloween everybody! Even though this blog has come out a few months late.
I carve my first creepy-cat! I was pleased with the outcome.
Creating new ways to give myself a stomach ache.
Mi amor!
Breakfast any time of the day.
The makings....
....Of a legit poker night feast!
I've got friends in low places.
Breaking her in, real nicely.
In crust we trust!
I get around.
Memo life!
San Diego Zoo
Baby elephant sighting!
So adorable.
It was feeding time and the sighting happened quickly.
Of course, I had to document the big cats.
Especially this beauty!


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