The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Mandatory Bloggery- Keep On Grinding & Random HankyPoo Story

Where were we?......
Oh yea, we are at the part where you make yourself a nice sandwich and cruise the blog!
Luigi's hardly ever disappoints.
Double pepperoni and jalapeno! That is my jam, right there.
One of these days I'm gonna get organizized...
Oh, you don't like ketchup on your sweets?
Baby giraffe at the San Diego Zoo.
Stepping up my wood game.
Poker bubs.
Didn't go so well for me.
Cooked up some carne.
For the bubs!
Hanky Poo!
After getting drunk and knocked outta poker I decided to walk off my steam and take the bub for a walk. About a block away, I see two stray dogs running around off leash in the distance. Keep in mind it's around 3 a.m. And, all of a sudden, the dogs started running directly at Hank and I. As they drew closer, it appeared to be two pit bulls. One medium size pit and the other was ginormous. I gripped Hank's leash tight and got in front of him. I thought to myself "Alright. About to get mauled by a couple of dogs." I contemplated tossing Hank onto a roof of the nearest car, but it was too late. The pit bulls drew nearer and within ten feet I realized that it was the bub's dogs, who is also neighbors with Robbie/Stinky. "Wayne and Garth" were wagging their tails and approached Hank and I being real nice, but the smelt to high Hell of skunk. So, then I was deemed the task of wrangling two pittys with no leashes on and escort them back to Neil's house. We arrived to the front door and an inebriated Neil was awoken from his slumber and he had no idea they were out. Upon further investigation, the pittys ripped a hole in the back yard fence and were free to run amuck. 
All that doggy drama made me so thankful for this little furry man.
I never grow tired of the Wok.
Pipe jammer by Jack In The Box.
Keep on sanding.
Big ass rainbow.
Burger night.
Another shelf. Loving the bold orange.
Wood shop is a go!
Rest in peace.
Killing in his dreams.
This spot is back.
City Hall, DTSD.
Can do lines too! Two down, two up!
Love youuuuuuuu.
Jack of all trades/vaccum-bitch.


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