The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Here comes the funcooker!

Last night, I got a wild hare up my ass, so I decided to make a bacon-mushroom pizza.

Did the crust in my breadmaker, and, as every good meal always starts...

The glorious sizzling of pork fat. It makes me feel at once warm and numb in my left arm.

Made the sauce. Some heirloom tomatoes I grew and canned myself with half a red onion, quartered, a clove of garlic and some sprigs of thyme. Simmered for a while, removed the sprigs of time and hit it with an immersion blender to get it all chunkified and delicious. Oh, and of course I added some of the bacon fat.

Speaking of cooking things in bacon fat, I parcooked the 'shrooms (crimini) before I put them on the pizza. I like that the left half of the picture is blurry. It accurately reflects my vision at the time.

Everything assembled with two (2) layers of bacon, shrooms, some more fresh thyme, sliced red onions, and hit it with some white truffle oil at the end for purposes of greed.


I don't know if "deliciously" is a proper adverb, but that's how it came out of the oven. Deliciously.

And in true Eatfiend tradition, the night turned into a drunken shitshow rather quickly.

One of my coworkers is doing a potluck tonight for all us tutors, so stay tuned for another post very soon! I bought 2 bottles of wine and a 6 pack for it, so I'm gonna get fucking tanked and hit on one of my coworkers! Which one? I don't know yet!

Livin' the Garbage Life...

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