The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mandatory Bloggery- Shredding With The Bubs @ WSVT

It's been nearly a month since I've come down with a rather severe case of the Kneesels, so naturally I'm gonna play tag along when the bubs wanna go out shredding....
 Quick stop at Tum Yeto so BK can grab a set of wheels.
 "It's still skateable."
 Then we headed over to WSVT snce it was hot as balls.
Naturally, I grabbed a six pack of tall boys. BRIDGE DRINKIN', NEVER THINKIN'!
 Panoramic shot for ItWasTheLight.
 Larue, carving the love seat.
 Dolan, high speed carving so fast it was a blur.
 Dowdy, eyeing up the fun.
 Pay The Toll...
 Ramp to grill, not a bad setup.
 The BK show was in full gear the whole time. He even walked away with a couple of sick clips by the end of the session.
 Richard getting gnarly.
 Car trouble. Better them than me.
 Beers were flowing and I was a sippin' away!
 It was a nice empty, mellow day. Usually when there are a bunch of pros, I'll just chill in the corner and lurk. Maybe take a run every know and then.
 This was pretty raw.
 Dolan was having back problems.
 Then Alex showed up and the bubs were psyched!
 He went straight to his coffee break.
 Larue nailed this sick wallie nollie out. Fucking awesome!
 Can't remember which is the make, but I also filmed it long lenses. Bottleg the ChestyLarue!
 This dude is always on the non-stop mash regime.
 Dolan needed some stretching assistance. I was too busy taking this photo to really bother helping.
 Smoke break!
 Larbing it up...
Then we scouted this rail. Notice the run up. Dolan ollied both rails in "Meet The Lurkers".
So fucking gnarly.



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