The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mandatory Bloggery- From The Island To The Pizza House

Take time to enjoy what's around you!
It tends to disappear as it happens...
 Van spotting.
 Sweet! What a beauty.Too bad the vehicles of today have little to no character.
 Golf action with this bub.
 $2 cup of Budweiser's!
 Showing the kids how its done.
 They only come out at night!
 20 pak of bottles for $14.99! Not a bad deal!
 Bacon party.
 Poker party. 
 More fucking bacon.
 Good times for all!
 I was the underdog and the low chip stack. Then the tides started to turn.
 Whiskey Slime Mike sittin' on a porch.
 I was in the zone! the poker zone!
 Gimme gimme gimme!

 Winner winner chicken dinner! I was fucking stoked!
 I bought everyone victory drinks at the Little Club afterwards...
 Piech insisted that I take a photo of his ass in front of Tim's house.
 Full moon.
 WhiskeySlimeMike likes to get his faced washed at the dog-wash.
 Stupidity ensued!
 The next day, back at the FAE.
 BornRetard, puttin' around.
 DPC with a front tail skidder.
 Psyched when people wear their EF shirts.
 Life long bubs, these two.
 Hyped we all share mutual love for the FAE!
 Shred sledding.
 Man sized flat bar.
 Meatball party at Venice Pizza House! Love me some balls made of meat!
 I also love double deckers made of pizza!
 Fuckin' greasy!
 "Who am I?"
Leftovers in the work place.


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