The unofficial larb eatery

From Ghetto to Gourmet, from Pabst to Perignon, EatFiend is where you will find pictures of food, skateboarding, the ways of the Almighty Larb and drunken ramblings about pictures of food.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mandatory Bloggery- Lasagna Madness

Just keeping this crazy train going. The hunger within doesn't really sleep. It's always consuming.
Anyway, do yerself a favor and take a piss in public. It's pretty liberating and it makes ya feel like you got one over the Man.
Saw the bubs at Pacific Drive. Good times as always.
$14 bux? No dice.
Fuck it. Mayy as well take a few selfies of the "awesome" gear they have.
Gotta make it somehow.
Classic, timeless, awesome.
So hyped Larue got a check out in Transworld.
"Pizza roll" at a sushi bar down the street from my house.
It tasted nothing like pizza.
Manny Slays All. Including his wardrobe.
BornRetard is the only person I know that likes his garbage.
Then again, this is the kind of garbage I like.
Drink, then die.
Corn or porn.
Don't do it kids.
Biscuit eyeing our backyard tree.
Stolen identity.
Getting tubed.
Went over to ItWasTheLight house, here he is feasting.
Glad to see that he finally has a girl that is treating him right!
I miss my Timbo. Back 5-0 down Point Loma High, some years ago.
Coronado bridge. Probably the most boring sight in S.D.
Anyway, on to the lasagna. Stone IPA in hand for some good cooking fuel.
# pounds of ground beef.
One whole onion.
2 pounds of ricotta cheese, mixed with the ground beef.
Gotta have plenty of mozzarella cheese

A cheesy savory mush indeed!
Proper tunes were in order.
Lasagna looks finished boiling.
Layer 1: meat.
Strips of lasagna.
Then cover it with gravy!
Get it everywhere!
Add cheese!
Layer 2: repeat steps to layer 1.
More meat!
More lasagna.
We made way too much lasagna.
Ready for the oven!
Lets make a second one, mini size!
Same steps as above.
Lots of left over lasagna.
Get saucy.
Good stuff.
Dinner was a great success!
Biscuit couldn't have cared less.
Jalapeno bread.
Later on, I found WormTits wasted, balls deep into a watermelon.



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